FINRA Rule 4511

This rule requires all FINRA members to make and preserve books and records as required under FINRA rules, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and applicable Exchange Act rules.

Rule Overview

Jurisdiction: United States

Regulator: FINRA

Topic: Recordkeeping

Latest News
Further Reading

The rule requires firms to preserve:

  • for a period of six years those FINRA books and records for which there is no specified retention period under FINRA or applicable Exchange Act rules; and
  • books and records in an SEC 17a-4 compliant format and media.
Recordkeeping fines and actions

Recordkeeping fines and actions

A list of the institutions fined for recordkeeping failures involving at least some combination of texts, WhatsApp messages, and audio files, if not other communications formats, since September 2020.

16 firms agree to settle charges for off-channel comms recordkeeping lapses

16 firms agree to settle charges for off-channel comms recordkeeping lapses

More fines have been issued by the SEC for failure to preserve electronic communications.

Eleven firms fined $711m for "evasive communications" practices

Eleven firms fined $711m for "evasive communications" practices

The CFTC has fined 11 Wall Street firms $711m for recordkeeping failures. Violations “well known” within firms.


Recordkeeping fines and actions


16 firms agree to settle charges for off-channel comms recordkeeping lapses


Eleven firms fined $711m for "evasive communications" practices